6 fail safe ways of keeping your child asleep

All parents will tell you the holy grail of parenting is getting your little ones in bed and keeping them there. I have therefore come up with my fail safe plan.

These are the rules of our house.

1. No chain flushing in the bathroom after bedtime.


2. Any tap use must be kept to an absolute minimum-wet the toothbrush. That is it.

3. Anything else must be done in the dark or by the light of your phone.

4. At the top of the stair, do a crazy step over thing to avoid the creaky floor board.

5. If you’ve suffered particularly bad bedtimes recently or they’ve been waking at 4am and they suddenly sleep through the night, do EVERYTHING the same the next night. From what they ate for tea to the pyjamas they wore to the amount of kisses you gave them.



6. Dont just turn the lights off, keep hold of the button for the maximum amount of time so it doesn’t click loudly.

So there you are. Follow these rules and you will not go wrong.

What would you add?


  1. I know exactly what you mean about the light switch! Also, remove any trip hazards, install blackout blinds and then curtains over the top because said blinds don’t fit flush. From a Mummy (and farmer’s daughter) who has been awake since 4am and has had toddler in her bed for a month!

  2. Haha these are all too true. I would also add ‘no laughing’ – I get a bit giddy at times (really!) and if I do a proper LOL downstairs, I get told off by my eldest!!! 🙂 x

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