Baby changing bags-second time around

When I had Boo, a changing bag was just an after thought. Something you needed when you were out and about and I wanted it to match the pram.

This is the only pic I could find of it-just to the right of the photo


That is all I required.

I am hoping hindsight is playing a part here though so, second time around, what do I feel about changing bags?

Well they are still all of the above but much, much more.

As a first time mother, to be honest, I just wanted something to match the pram. I didn’t really think of anything else.


Second time around, I feel a bit more equipped and I will need to be even more equipped with two children.

My first change bag with Boo snapped under the sheer weight of ‘essential things’ you need for your newborn.

I took it back and got a replacement-the same one, just a different colour as they didn’t have the original one.

That one snapped too.

I ended up getting another and trying to not fill it as much but this time, I wanted a bag strong enough to withhold all things.

I want it to be roomy. Big enough to carry a change of clothes. To carry stuff for Boo too.

The canvas bag I had first time around wouldn’t cut it this time.

We all know what these bags go through. They get placed on dirty bathroom floors when you’re out and about. All manner of bodily functions can make their way onto and into them at some point in a child’s first year so, above all else, I wanted it to be wipe clean.

Fair enough, washable would also be good but who has time to wait for it to dry with a baby and a pre-schooler who will have to be taken to nursery and eventually school?

The bag I have chosen is from my local baby shop in Warrington. I haven’t seen them anywhere else and have had trouble searching for them online to show you all.


It’s called a Worlds Apart bag and it is absolutley huge.


If I am honest, it is probably a bit too big but I am going to try it out.


It will make a great hospital bag as I think I will be able to fit all of my things in there and a few bits for a baby.

It ticks the spacious box as well as being wipe clean. It comes with a shoulder strap and a separate insert which means you can actually lay the baby practically in the bag to change them.

I love my new changing bag. It is stylish as well as practical which is all that matters to any yummy mummy, right? Even a farmer’s wife.


What’s on your tick list for a great changing bag?


  1. I haven’t even thought about nappy bags this time round yet. This post has definitely got me thinking as there will be two in (cloth) nappies to contend with

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