Bread Week-Another Epic Fail

bread week

This time last year, bread week was the end on my Bake Off adventure. I got the sugar and the salt mixed up.

This year, I made two types of bread. I have always loved corn bread so I made a different version with oatmeal rather than corn and it was lovely. The recipe for that is to come.


I felt a yeast-less bread was a bit of a cop-out compared to some of the other efforts going on so I turned, once again, to Mr Hollywood.This time, opting for rye bread.

I love rye bread. My auntie lives near a Jewish bakery andthe rye bread from there is unforgettable it is so good.

Mindful of what happened last year, the recipe, again, asked for 10g of salt.

I just couldn’t bring myself to out so much in so I put 1g of salt in my bread.

What started out as some nice crusty bread with soup at lunch time went on. You have to leave it for four hours, kneed it again and then leave it for a further two hours.

It went into the oven at 9.30pm and I made it into rolls rather than a loaf-just because it is something my family use more than bread.

The smell was divine and I did worry the aroma, wafting up the stairs would we my eldest-she has history of waking at the smell of toast.

After letting the rolls cool, I sliced one open and spread a little butter on it.


Nervous, I took a bite.

I couldn’t believe it. It was much better than last year but I still think it was salty.

We all try to reduce sodium in our diets. Maybe I am just not used to salt in my food. This realisation means that maybe I didn’t get it wrong last year after all.

Following on from my not enjoyable biscuit week and now this, I have never been more pleased to look forward to desert week next week.

Please no more bread or biscuits Paul and Mary. It is safe to say the likes of Warburtons and Roberts will not be out of a job.

Mummy Mishaps


Also linked up with the Silver Mushroom Bake Off Challenge







  1. oh bless you – i love the red writing as your recipe text across you photo LOL – did make me laugh!
    I am so pleased that the rye tools, which took a lot of work i must say, tasted nice bar the saltyness. it might be that you are not use to the taste of salt anymore – either way maybe next time just add a good pinch?
    thank you for linking up xx

    1. I think that’s the best bit of advice I’ve ever had. A pinch is my new mantra for bread 😉

  2. I’m terrible for cutting down the salt in recipes too and then wondering why they don’t work, but I don’t like things very salty. I’m with you, will be happily waving goodbye to biscuit and bread weeks and looking forward to more cake!

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