Gestational Diabetes


Gestational diabetes is on the rise. With ageing parents and the lifestyles we lead, more and more women are being diagnosed.

I had polycystic ovaries in my early 20s which is also more of a risk factor-something to do with how you produce insulin.

I wasn’t particularly over weight when I got pregnant with Boo but with a slightly raised BMI, I was booked in for a glucose tolerance test (GTT) at 24 weeks pregnant.

It came back positive and I remember being very concerned.

Some women can control it with diet alone but I was not one of them. I was on Metformin and insulin injections right up to the birth which happened at 38 weeks as you are less likely to be allowed to go full term.

I was induced and then, after the birth, my blood sugars went back to almost normal levels and I was classed as pre-diabetic. The lovely promise that diabetes would return in any subsequent pregnancies and, probably in later life.

In all honesty, with a newborn baby and a wedding to plan, I didn’t give it much thought.

I had a miscarriage in 2012 and then another in 2013 and it became apparent that errant blood sugars were probably to blame.

In order to get pregnant and get the baby to stick, they suggested I went back on Metformin and, keep a close eye on my readings with the plan of going back on Insulin when the time came.

In 2014 I got pregnant again and, the medication worked. As you all know, G is a healthy little boy and I am so grateful that I got the chance to have him.

Miscarriage, for whatever reason, is not a pleasant experience and all I wanted was another baby.

Fast forward to 2016. My blood sugars were okay, not great but okay and then I found myself getting another positive pregnancy test.

While I was over the moon, I was realistic. I doubted this pregnancy would be successful but, as every scan revealed a wriggly baby, I began to hope.

I am over half way now and my blood sugars are stable.

I have a lot of work to do when this baby is born. In order to be a healthy mama to three children, I have a lot of weight to lose.

I think acknowledging this as my last pregnancy and last baby will help with that.

High blood sugars in pregnancy can cause miscarriage, heart defects in babies, still birth and very large babies. It is important if your GTT comes back raised that you take it seriously and continually monitor your blood sugars.

There is usually a lull in the second trimester where your blood readings are almost perfect but come 28 weeks when babies have a growth spurt, they often go off the scale.

I am monitored very closely and deemed high risk so consultant-led care sees growth scans and a labour where your baby is monitored throughout so no water births etc.

There are loads of websites about gestational diabetes which you can find by looking on search engines.

Do keep in mind though that, by having gestational diabetes, you are more likely to develop Type II diabetes which is a nasty, frightening disease. Eating a balanced diet and keeping an eye on your weight could prevent this from happening.

I’d better get running.



  1. Informative post and really hoping that it doesn’t result in Type 2 for you. I can’t even imagine the agony it’s caused you over the years. So pleased you were able to get it under control. Sending you best wishes for the rest of your pregnancy and beyond – massive congratulations!

  2. I couldn’t be happier for you that this pregnancy is going well so far, but I’m sorry you have to suffer with the worry of diabetes. Take special care of yourself and I hope your blood sugars stay stable xx

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