Toddler Track Rage

Oh toddlers. A breed to themselves. Funny little creatures who have themselves at the centre of the universe.

At two, G was a placid little thing and, when I had baby number 3, I did think to myself that maybe we had bypassed the terrible twos completely.

Top marks for my own hopefulness.

As the year has gone on, the todderlerisms have come out. It is funny. Now onto my second tantruming child, I tend to sit back and whip out the popcorn for the more epic melt downs.

There is one aspect of G’s tantrums though that I felt needed to be documented.

Track rage.

It is real and a frequent occurrence in our house.

Vehicles of any kind are a huge hit at the farm. Obviously tractors are a firm favourite but trains are also up there.

We have a few track sets like the Thomas the Tank Engine one and one from BigJigs toys as part as our ambassadorship.

The BigJigs reviews make me laugh. All nice playing happening on the photos. What I didn’t show you was what happens at regular points throughout the playing.


Say a train derails, many children would calmly put said train back onto the track and continue playing.

Not my frivolous farm boy.

He gets so angry at the track-it is the track’s fault, not the train (or the toddler driver) and just starts throwing it all over the room in a rage.

Then he is upset that the track is no longer laid neatly on the carpet.

There have been days where I think I have put the track back together four times.

Four times of googling the set to find a photo of how it should look before piecing all the bits together. Again.

After four times, if track rage continued, I admit it, I suffered track rage myself and threw it all back into the box.


I can’t remember with Boo how long this unreasonable, funny but totally crazy behaviour lasts but, I do know that with a two year gap between the boys, it is highly probable that by the time G stops, Baby j is likely to start.

Send popcorn please, I feel this show has a long run yet.


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