Tractor Etiquette and a New Toy
Now I don’t ever pretend to be a tractor expert.
In fact, if Hubster starts talking machinery, I have an uncanny ability to totally zone out-whilst still looking like I’m listening. I know. It’s a gift which I cherish.
However, I do know enough to be aware of some kind of farmer etiquette when it comes to farm vehicles and I feel like I should share it with you, just in case you ever meet a farmer and totally put your foot in it.
For the purposes of this post, I will be highlighting the main, makes of tractor: Massey Ferguson, JCB, New Holland, Claas and John Deere.
Thankfully, each brand is a different colour to make it easy for kids (and farmer’s wives) to distinguish and, have more of a chance of seeing Daddy, if he should drive past whilst we are in the village.
Massey Ferguson’s are red, John Deere green, New Holland Blue, Claas is a pea green and JCB yellow.
Now, there may be farmers out there who have one of each of these makes, or maybe two out of the four.
If however, a farmer only has, say a John Deere, there is more than likely going to be some opinion over a farmer with a JCB. It’s a kind of club.
So when G was born, Mr Google was used quite a lot to look for Massey Ferguson overalls and sleep suits because this is the tractor Hubster has.
Hubster also has a JCB Fastrak and we bought Boo a toy version when she was born and she does still love it.
For a while now, though, I have been looking for a ride-on tractor. Boo loves them at our local garden centre but they are green and therefore John Deere so I have been patiently waiting for a red or yellow one at a reasonable price.
The thing is here, not only are we open to extreme weather being in the open countryside but, unlike the real tractors which are lovingly kept under cover, most of our outdoor toys are left to the elements. The Little Tikes Cozy Coupe for example is growing barnacles on the patio and will only be hosed down when I hear there is at least a week of warm weather. Therefore I didn’t want to pay a lot for the ride-on tractor at this time.
I scoured eBay and preloved for the right vehicle and this week, it paid off.
We got a red tractor with a little trailer for £6.99. That’s right peeps. This savvy farmer’s wife has found a bargain.
Not only that, I ordered some Massey Ferguson stickers off eBay and now the toy tractor is just like Daddy’s.
Boo wanted to put G in the trailer and take him for a ride around the farm which, although is very cute, is not very safe (he was three months old at the time) so he will have to wait for the ride until he can at least sit up unaided and probably not until he can also hold on.
Be warned though. If you see a farmer sat in JCB and ask him if it is a New Holland, he or she will probably not be pleased.
i love tractors
Think my farmer thinks I’m a tractor stalker ~
Haha great post! I love that they have matching tractors. Libby has become slightly obsessed with tractors too. I have no idea why, we don’t live on a farm.x
Aww that tractor toy is so cute and is really a mini me version of the bigger one. I also learn a lot about the tractors and colors! Thanks for sharing =) #pocolo
Lol, this could have been me writing it!
I’m fine with tractors, combines and sprayers, but otherwise I’ve no idea about machinery and have to rely on N to tell me!
We have John Deere on the farm, so N has a John Deere gator (handmedown from his cousins and seriously slow after 10 years of use!) and a tractor/trailer – which is indoor play only. He has a red version from ebay for outdoors. I was tempted by a fastrac one at the NCT sale, but I thought 3 was a bit extreme.
Nice! Loving the new tractor!! It looks like the best of the bunch. I was surprised to realise how many tractoor names I recognised! Thank you for linking to #PoCoLo x