Author: farmerswifeandmummy

Spring has sprung

Before we lived on the farm, it was easy to think of myself as a farmer’s wife but until you are actually there, you are not. Yes you are used to the unsociable hours, not being able to take holidays and washing clothes caked in anything from mud and muck to blood, but until you…

Moving on

After the chicken carnage, I thought long and hard about what to do. Should I replace them, was it worth the heartbreak? If it hadn’t been for Hilda’s survival, I think I probably wouldn’t have bothered getting any more but chickens are flock animals and she was sad on her own. My first two replacements…

Chicken carnage

It was a Thursday morning like any other. My day off, (I work Mon-Wed) 7am, Elizabeth and I were in the kitchen thinking about breakfast and Ged had been out in the yard for a while. He came in and said: “brace yourself, I’ve got some bad news.” The cows were calving so I just…