My pregnancy-week 34
If another pregnant woman told me what I did myself recently, I would tell them off.
That’s right, just after Christmas and over 34 weeks pregnant, I weighed myself.
I ate for six when I was pregnant with Boo, foolishly thinking those excess calories would come out beautifully wrapped with the baby and I would be able to dispose of them.
As we know, these things don’t happen and I was determined this time to watch what I ate as some of the weight from Boo was still there-I know. Naughty.
The pregnancy itself has helped in my quest due to a constant feeling of nausea-even after, if not more so, 12 weeks.
My appetite has been less and, due to the diabetes and the complications which come with that to the baby, I have tried to watch what I eat.
According to the NHS website, on average women can out between 22 and 26 pounds. I put on three stone with Boo.
Well I was in for a pleasant surprise I’ve only put one stone on and surely that’s got to be mostly baby and placenta?
I know I have four weeks to go but I am really going to make a conscious effort to not go mad at the final hurdle.
So, week 34. I’m not going to lie, I am getting fed up now.
I am trying not to moan because this baby is so, so wanted but I am tired and I definitely feel like I am waddling now.
My weekly antenatal appointment for blood pressure monitoring was uneventful. It was raised but not overly so and I still have protein in my urine.
I had a growth scan booked for two days after but couldn’t resist asking the midwife to see if she thought the baby had turned back to head down.
She said she couldn’t be 100 per cent sure but she thought there was a little bottom in my rib cage rather than a head.
New Year’s Day was in between so on January 2nd I duly attended the latest growth scan.
It is the right size with an approximate weight now of 5ib 9 which is good.
The best thing? It seems my sixth sense is not to spot on after all. The baby has turned back to head down. Yay.
So all being well, it will stay like that and I won’t have to have a caesarean.
Here’s to an uneventful but quick week.

Yay for a right way up baby!
Not long now! Good luck and I think a stone is a piffling amount to put on in pregnancy x
Wow, just a stone?! I’m 24 weeks and have already put on a stone and a half. However, I haven’t been as good as you – I was eating lots until the heart burn kicked in a few weeks ago. Fab news that baby is getting ready to go. Good luck for the final few weeks!! X
Fabulous, I’m so glad baby has turned! And well done for only putting on a stone, that’s amazing! I put on about 4 stone with both of mine, but both times it was gone within 3 months so you’ll easily shift a stone after birth.xx
Well done! When I got weighed shortly after having Amy I’d actually lost half a lb . . . I made up for it in the weeks after whilst recovering from my C Section and BP issues and quickly gained an extra stone or so!!
Well done for being so healthy! x
I can’t believe you weighed yourself! lol though having said that I weighed myself once when pregnant, for me it was a bad idea but sounds like you are doing really well! Yay to baby turning, fingers crossed they stay that way! 🙂 xx
I tend to not gain lots of weight in pregnancy, I always struggle to eat as well as I should and usually leave hospital lighter than when I got pregnant. It’s breastfeeding that always piles on my weight!
It’s getting so close now, very exciting! Glad baby is head down.
I’m glad baby has turned head down. Fingers crossed it will stay that way for you now and not be naughty!
I can’t usually eat much during my pregnancies because of the sickness, I literally lived on pretzels and cheddars in my last!
Thanks for linking up to #SundayStars x
Not long to go now! And do not fret about weight, it will come off afterwards, make the most of tucking in :)) thanks for linking with Sunday stars x
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