5 Tips for an Outdoors Life With Children

We love being outside. The younger two especially start climbing the walls (literally) if they are indoors too much.

Obviously living on a farm helps but I think once the fresh air has entered the souls of children, it is hard to get out and, to be honest, I don’t think I would want to.

I have tips though. It is not always easy. Extremes in weather can make outdoor playing difficult but, if you are armed with the right equipment, you should be fine.

Here are my top five things you need for a relatively carefree outdoor life.

1. Suncream. All types of suncream. Dry oil, roll on, lipstick suncream. Anything to get it on them. Not all of them enjoy having it lathered on so I need to be armed with a whole host of products, bribery and pinning down methods to ensure they don’t burn.

2. Wellies. All year round. For the snow, the mud and the summer dust. Even for the animal poo. Feet and little legs need protecting all year round and wellies are worn throughout the seasons here. In winter, we add a warm wellie sock to the mix as they are not always the warmest of footwear.

3. Waterproofs. Both warm and light. Rain does not always stick to autumn and winter and a sweaty child in summer rain is not a good look so we have various items of clothing and, sometimes just ones with hoods for warmer rain when they are jumping around the garden.

4. A laid back attitude. If I was hovering round the with wipes all the time, I don’t think they would have half as much fun. Drop your standards a bit when your kids are outside. A bit of mud never hurt anyone. I obviously try to stop the baby putting things in his mouth but, I am not going to lie, I have fished stones out of his mouth before and I remember G falling flat on his face in a suspicious looking puddle. The have all had diesel in their hair from walking under tractors (don’t worry the tractors weren’t running) but it all adds to the fun here. I often think if the bath water runs clear, it hasn’t been that much of an exciting day.

5. The very last thing needed is a dash of imagination. From trees becoming home to a family of pterodactyls, to toy horses being housed in stables meant for real equine beasts. Imagination is not optional here. The farmer had some road planings delivered not so long ago and it became the volcano for ages.

Do you have any ideas for getting outside with little ones?


  1. Number 4 is the best thing I have read – ever! Let kids be kids, I say! Sam’s teacher apologises when he comes home dirty, but I’m of the opinion that mud is the sign of an adventure filled day!

    Also… I have been known to fish snails out of his mouth 😐 LOL xx

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