7 Fun Things You Can Do In a Field With Kids

There is something so peaceful about an empty field. It’s like a blank canvas I suppose, full of surprises (hopefully) and possibilities.

I know it probably seems easy for us living on the farm but most parks have large playing fields so if you don’t live on a farm, there is still plenty of opportunities to try out my suggestions.

Things to do in a field with children.

Have a picnic. My lot love picnics all year round. They just find it so exciting to eat outside-either on a picnic blanket or a table. Open fields are the perfect location for a spot of al fresco dining.

Nature hunts. Take magnifying glasses with you and little buckets and see what you can find. Depending on the time of year, there may be leaves, twigs, insects, soft fruit. If things can’t be identified you could take photos and investigate when you get home. Children love exploring.

Bird spotting. Position yourself somewhere shaded-maybe behind a tree and just sit quietly-with binoculars if you have them and try spotting as many birds as you can. If you know the names of the different birds, encourage children to write the names or draw them. You could even have a competition to see who can spot the most birds.

Ball games. I still marvel at parents who have a ball in their car at all times. I always think I should do that because ball games are a great idea in a field. Wide open space means less chance of balls going over fences or hitting someone else.

Run/chase. Children love to run so a leisurely jog around a field is always a winner or maybe set up races if you have more than one child with you.

Draw. Take paper and pencils with you and encourage your children to get creative. Either let their imaginations run wild or ask them to draw what they can see. You could even take some glue with you and stick leaves and twigs to the picture.

Treasure Hunt. I seem to do treasure hunts all year round for mu children. We have the annual one at Easter but I have been known to do ones at Christmas and Halloween too. I just get little inexpensive things and get creative. If you can manage to get to the field first or sneak off to hide the stuff, it would be magical. You could even hide pencils and paper so that they can draw. Mayne a bird spotting book or some other outdoor toy.

I hope I have given you some ideas. Children learn better outside if you ask me. Go and find a field.


  1. Kids will love to spend time at such a wonderful place.
    Great article. Loved the idea.
    Thanks for posting !!
    Keep Blogging !!

  2. It’s my dream to own a field. Or many. And a wood. And have a smallholding. And a mini nature reserve! But a field would do and your post just proves how much fun fields can be. Great inspiration. Lucy

  3. Yes!! Love these, I used to be so good at bird spotting when I was younger – that and working out trees!

    Your chaps look so happy!

  4. Do I have to do these activities with children or can I do these by myself with my Chinese crested dog? I love going to fields, especially when I was with Tony. RIP 🙁

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