Create Bathtime Bliss for Daddy and Baby this Father’s Day


With Father’ Day this weekend, I am urging all dads with babies to get down and dirty with their little ones. I don’t particularly mean nappy changing (although that would be much appreciated thank you). I mean bath time.

In our house, I do most of the children stuff. Hubster is busy. However with Baby G being our second child, I am under no, illusions how fast this baby stage lasts for.

So when MamaBabyBliss got in touch saying they too wanted dads to get more involved-especially at bath time, I quickly said yes please.

We received a lovely gift bag with baby bath wash, natural baby oil, a lovely, soft, fluffy flannel and a duck. Quack quack.


There was also a little booklet called PapaBliss showing that Dad’s really do matter too.

So we tried to recreate the photo in the booklet.


Unfortunately, Baby G has grown considerably and no longer looks like the newborn in the photo. Thankfully, Hubster has hands like spades so he had plenty of room for G’s still small head.


However, it is the hands that are the problem here.

Hubster is continuously worried that his hands are too big and that he will hurt Baby G. Despite being tiny and looking fragile, baby’s are tougher than they look and a well meaning massage after a bath from daddy is really not going to hurt him.

Daddy’s with big hands take note. It is better to experience these precious, gone in a heartbeat moments and be worried you may hurt them than miss them all together.

They are not babies for very long so grab those chubby little arms and legs this Father’s Day because of you are at a similar stage to us, no doubt next Father’s Day you will be chasing round after them.

*We were sent this goody bag for the purpose of this review but all opinions are my own.


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