My (late) Maternity Leave Bucket List



I may be half way through my maternity leave (*cries*) but I thought it would be fun to share my maternity leave bucket list with you and see how much I’ve (not) done.

  • Lean to crochet


  • Crochet throws for each sofa, blankets for both children and a bedspread for us.
  • Visit some places, especially in the North West which I have never been to. Namely, Tatton Park, Dunham Massey, Gulliver’s World, Chatsworth, the Emma Bridgewater factory shop, Trentham Gardens and Norton Priory.
  • Go to the beach as a family.
  • Have a picnic on the farm.
  • Bake every week.


  • Write a book (hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha).
  • Make bunting.
  • Sew a peg bag.
  • Clean skirting boards (rock and roll).
  • Sort out office into proper office with special areas and storage for farm stuff, blogging and crafting.
  • Wash and straighten hair every day and wear heels for the nursery run.
  • Loose four stone.
  • Make another fairy garden (extreme farm weather has wrecked the first).
  • Plant vegetables (again).
  • Plan educational yet fun activities for every afternoon.


  • Craft with Boo at least once a week and allow her to paint with real paints (not water colours) once a month.
  • Apply fake tan regularly.
  • Read more books.

So I have six months left. I’d better get cracking.


  1. These all sound amazing! You sound very crafty. I said I would bake loads when off and I did none!! Awful. Straightening hair everyday would be awesome…I’m lucky if it’s once a week!! xx #maternitymondays

  2. Good luck with your list, even if you only manage one its one more thing than I ever did on my maternity leave haha. Must be more productive this time around! Xx

  3. I said that I’d bake every week on my last mat leave, pah, never happened and less likely this time round!! Good luck with your bucket list 😀

    Helen – #maternitymondays

  4. Lovely list of things to achieve but you are certainly ambitious! I learnt to crochet after Monkey was born and man those blankets take some effort i am telling you! Lots of lovely ideas, good luck with them hon! #MaternityMondays

  5. Wear heels for the nursery run? That’s a bit above and beyond the call of duty for me 🙂 I’d love to go to Chatsworth though and read more books. Maturity leave goes so quickly. I’m already over a month into mine and I haven’t though about a bucket list. Better get on that!! #MaternityMondays

  6. Since Little 3 has been born I have done very little, I keep meaning to start baking and get crafty with the girls but there is so much else to do and a little person to feed, one day we will do these things again after all he is only 8 weeks old. #maternitymondays

  7. Very ambitious and if you follow through on even five I will be very jealous. I am returning to work after being off on maternity for seven months and I wouldn’t come close to one thing on that list. Good luck!

  8. Ooh I love this! It’s given me inspiration to write my own. I wanted to do so many things on maternity leave the first time and just literally never got round to them. At least if I write it down and share it with people it might kick me up the backside to do it. #maternitymondays x

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