New Ewes and Old Friends at the Farm

Since delving into the world of animal acquiring a few years ago, I have been lucky enough to meet some people who have been so lovely and friendly and, as mad as me (no offence), who I have remained friends with.

From the lovely man who sold me chickens and kept in touch with help and advice to the rabbit lady, the goat man and the sheep lady.

These people are all called these things in my phone’s contacts which I always find hilarious.

Like one of my now friends said when I went to pick up some livestock-there are not many professions where you can conduct business meetings in your pyjamas and take your children with you.

Hurray for farming.

So just recently we went to pick up some new ewes.

We had already bought two rams off this lady a couple of weeks ago and the ewes were on another site so we arranged to come back for them.

They are called Romneys.

This breed of sheep originate from a place called Romney in Kent.

For the farm readers amongst you, they used to be called Romney Marsh sheep because of where they originated from and they are the biggest breed found in New Zealand.

They have a long wool fleece which is quite curly in appearance and produces a lovely quality of wool.

For the non-farming readers, they have a very pleasant appearance and, as lambs are the cutest, fluffiest sheep you may ever see-like cotton wool with legs.

The lady we got them off is so lovely and I feel like I have made a new friend and it is this type of friendship that you really wouldn’t find anywhere other than farming.

The kindness. The friendliness and the willingness to help. They have sold their livestock to us. Some have sold their pets but they have not just sold and ran.

They have, more often than not, stayed in touch and advised me which I am so grateful for.

It does tend to be me who is the one to make friends. Hubster always laughs when I get chatting to people. He said that the sheep lady was just the type of woman for me and I agreed.

He is more the driver in these situations and I think he is quite happy in that role.

So this time, we have been on a couple of family trips to see this particular lady, gained livestock and, in this case, made a new friend.

It makes me feel a bit warm inside.

The kids also love it because they get to see other farms and animals and they love a road trip in Daddy’s car.

Our day trips and adventures may not be like everyone else’s but we have a great time and that is all that matters.

Horses for courses and all that…or sheep..or goats.


  1. Aww that’s lovely! It’s great that you make friends with the people you buy livestock from. I don’t know why your hubby laughs at you, most people make friends at work. It’s healthy 😉

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