Over half way-20 weeks pregnant
So this week I am over half way through my pregnancy. I am 20 weeks but, I will be induced at 38 weeks (at the latest) so I am over half way-yippee.
The 20-week scan is this week and, despite being adamant that we wouldn’t find out the sex of the baby, I admit it, we have been talking about it. A lot.
I was totally clear when I was pregnant with Boo that we wouldn’t find out and we didn’t.
This time though, I think we are both curious.
I can see advantages and disadvantages of finding out.
We could buy pink or blue clothes.
We could decorate the nursery in colours that would see the baby up to toddler years.
Maybe we could prepare Boo for the arrival more if we told her yes it’s a sister, yes it’s a brother.
I have already bought neutral nursery things-they were in the sale and, as I thought we weren’t finding out, I thought it was the sensible thing to do.
Once you know, you know. There is no going back. No changing your mind about knowing.
There are many joys taken out of life but, to have a surprise to look forward to, when you’ve been through the hard work of labour made it very special last time.
I am also uncomfortable with calling the baby by the names we have chosen before it is born-what if it doesn’t suit the name?
I suppose I still can’t decide what to do. Maybe we will know on Thursday what is the right thing to do, for us.
What do you think? Did you find out the sex of your baby?

Lovely blog. I’m 22 weeks at the moment and we did find out the sex this time. I chose not to find out with our first, so let OH have the choice this time. Good luck with your scan. Kx
Oooo what are you having? Congratulations. We may end up having them at the same time if I’m early 🙂
I’m not that patient, I needed to know:) I have friends who don’t find out, as a rule, and I think it’s lovely that they are that patient. I just like things organized ahead of time. I figure it’s still a surprise since it’s not as if we ordered one or the other. The bossman wasn’t with me at the scan and I remember exactly where we were when I told him (between the trench silo and the commodity shed, lol). Then we sat in the car and called both our parents.
Totally your call, and I’m sure you’ll know what the right decision is come Thursday:)
I found out both times and I was glad I did.
My oldest didn’t get her name until birth (I had been certain I would call her something else) and my youngest was always going to be her name (even before conception!).
Either way, I don’t agree with people saying that it ruins the surprise because whether brought by a stork with a pink or blue blanket, the baby IS the biggest surprise that you will ever have and that is despite how much planning has gone into the pregnancy and birth!
Jenny x
We didn’t find out first time which was my choice, we did find out with the other two which was his choice. I hated knowing so we agreed to find out but keep the result a secret x
Aww 20 weeks, wow it is going so fast!! We found out both times, and I wouldn’t change it. We dressed Monkey pretty neutrally when he was born and baba will have the same clothes as he did really. We have a name for her, but I daren’t call her it until she is here, it just doesn’t feel right! I just like knowing, and knowing she is a she rather than an it. But, there is still part of me that doesn;t believe that she is a girl anyway! I’m sure it will be a lovely surprise whatever you choose and whenever you find out! Hope all goes well at the scan! xx
Congrats on 20 weeks. Yes I found out with my first and wasn’t going to with my second but it was twins so we wanted to be prepared!
Eek how exciting half way through. I am so jealous I am so broody I always have to find out at 16 weeks I am way too nosy and need to know how to decorate and clothes to buy and names to pick out. I don’t think I could ever wait! you are braver than me for waiting. Although I didn’t believe them when they said girl. Good luck thursday. Thanks for linking up to Share With Me #sharewithme
The times flying by Emma, you look great! I left my husband make the decision about whether we found out as I didn’t really mind either way and I actually loved knowing what we were having. I loved being able to say he and getting all my blue clothes ready. We chose a couple of names and then waited for him to arrive to decide what suited him. Good luck for tomorrow xxx
We found out with our eldest girl and with our boy, then we decided we didn’t need to know the next 2 times as we already had one of each. To be honest it was really lovely having a surprise x x