Pregnancy leg cramps and other tails of shame
Something happened in bed last night-my first leg cramps of this pregnancy.
Thanks goodness I knew what it was this time.
It is the most painful thing ever, especially when you’re asleep and it wakes you up.
It is always in my calf and always in pregnancy.
Indeed, when I was pregnant with Boo, I didn’t now what it was.
We didn’t live at the farm then and I woke up one Saturday morning with the most excrutiating pain in my leg. I jumped up and saw a lump in my leg.
Hormones must have taken over then as I rang the ward at the hospital and I said I was worried it was deep vein thrombosis.
What a fool.
They said I’d better go straight to A&E to have it checked out.
The problem was, Hubster had cows to go to so, I had to ring my parents and they came and took me.
Thankfully, we didn’t have to wait too long but it was a really good looking doctor and I hadn’t shaved my legs. Night mare.
I described the pain. He smiled went out of the cubicle to check something and came back.
‘It was cramp,’ he said, trying not to laugh.
Oh the shame.
My friend was pregnant at the same time so, when I text her to tell her, I think she nearly fell off her chair from laughing.
I’d never had cramp before. I didn’t know what it was.
The poor NHS. Stretched to breaking point because of neurotic, hormonal pregnant women.
So this morning, I realised what it was.
It did make me smile to myself though, remembering last time.
If the cramp has started, I am now expecting heart burn.
It will all be worth it though.

Hi Emma,
This is kind of funny! I get leg cramps a lot anyway, always in my calf, and did a lot when I was pregnant too. When you feel them coming on, push down in to your heel, rather than point your toe to stretch your calf. it does work, and counteracts the cramp.
They are the worst! but you get to know when its going to happen after a while!
Best wishes for the rest of your pregnancy!! congrats! xx
Lol, well I think it sounds like an easy mistake to make especially if you have never had cramp before. Cramp is horrible though. Hope you don’t suffer too much with it in this pregnancy.
Lol bless you that is hilarious! Good job you can laugh about it too and glad you know what it is this time 🙂 xx #sharewithme
I think pregnant women have very different rights when it comes to the NHS – paranoia is accepted and acted upon! Hope it doesn’t cause you too much trouble x
I won’t laugh out loud hunny. Oh I had leg cramps when I was pregnant both times and it was so painful I can imagine if you didn’t know I would go to find help too! They are horrible. Bless you. Big hugs. Thanks for linking up to Share With Me #sharewithme