Siblings, June 2018
Wow what a month is has been. The weather has been glorious and, for once, my house has been exceptionally tidy because the children have hardly been inside.
We have been to the beach twice, enjoyed dinosaur crazy golf at our local garden centre and generally had a lot of fun outside.
Despite lathering them all in sun cream at various intervals throughout the day, I noticed the baby (wearing a sleeveless romper) had a proper farmer tan and I didn’t know whether to laugh or be ashamed.
We have had so much fun.
From pulling each other round in the farm cart, splashing in paddling pools (and the sea) as well as sand pits, scooters and exploring around the farm.
Their imaginations seem to run wild outdoors. I heard the big two having an argument about the sandpit. One said it was sand in there. The other said it wasn’t. It was really silly but I loved eavesdropping.
One big pile of rubble is now a volcano where dragons and dinosaurs live and where little G (despite falling flat on his face. Twice.) is king of the mountain.
We also went on a farm walk across the freshly cut hay fields where the smell of summer just hit us in the face.
At the edge of our farm is a disused railway which is now a nature reserve and we crept into the woodlands there for a lovely picnic and a walk.
I got totally bitten by horse flies but miraculously, they didn’t like the taste of the children so they all emerged unscathed.
I can’t believe we have never visited this area before. It was so peaceful and I think it did us all good. We will definitely be back again.
Let’s hope the scorching weather continues.