Strange chicken behaviour leads to a surprising discovery…
The say you should never work with children or animal but, as the name of my blog kind of gives it away, I work (and live) with both on a daily basis.
Both Boo and the animals do funny things on a daily basis.
Like Clover the rabbit who mysteriously escaped from the hutch without the other two, raced around the garden and then, instead of running away when he/she saw me like any ordinary escapee would, he/she bounded up to me.
The miraculous St Cookie had a blog post to herself when she died and came back from the dead. So you see, most of the time, funny animal antics become ordinary. Yes, funny at the time but not enough to bore you with 17 blog posts every day.
So today, I went to one of our outbuildings. I have a chest freezer in there and use it to store washing powder, non-food and non-perishable items.
I got the loaf out of the freezer and noticed something beige and feathery behind my industrial sized fabric softener.
I didn’t get too close as it was one of our flighty bantam chickens who do not like people. They are much better than they were when we first got them but they still sleep in a tree rather than the coop and, truthfully, are the bosses of the farm yard-even lording it over the cats.
I was slightly worried as I thought she might be injured or ill but I decided to leave it ten minutes and see if she was still there.
I left it six minutes-I was too curious and look what I found.
The funny little chicken had been hiding behind my Fairy and using the shelf as a nest box-not even a comfy one.
There were four eggs there so I don’t know how long she has been going there as I’m not sure she lays every day.
Hubster made me move them as we didn’t know how long they had been there.
I had thought the bantams were using the main coop to lay as bantam eggs appear in our egg collection most days.
I will be checking back though as small bantam eggs are the perfect size for a small child.
You couldn’t make it up what happens on our farm.
I LOVE the comings and goings of your farm – I find myself daydreaming during the week about what it would be like to be a Farmer’s wife (Bloody hard work, I’m sure). How cute that the bantam has been hiding its eggs. I look forward to more instalments!
Aww thank you!! TBH it’s harder work for the Hubster I just stroke and step in when needed 😉 he says we get in the way haha xx