Sudocrem Finger one of the perils of parenthood
You have probably heard of tennis elbow. You may have even heard of trench foot (found mostly these days, when you’ve worn cheap Primark pumps in the rain too many times).
There is a lesser known ailment that many of you may have suffered from and not even realised.
It is called-Sudocrem finger.
I did think it was probably reserved for parents but really it could be endured by any person in charge of changing nappies. This means child minders, nursery nurses, grandparents. If you change nappies and apply Sudocrem, none of you can escape.
A lovely new pot of Sudocrem is my favourite thing. Sudocrem finger is avoided when the tub is new.
Once it gets to half way and below though, it’s dangerous territory,
Just one application and you can catch this terrible affliction.
Sudocrem down the nail is like feathers on glue. It takes time and perseverance to shift it.
There are options.
You can go for the knuckle method where you dip your knuckle (duh!) into the tub to avoid using your bare, vulnerable, finger.
The problem with this however is that you can’t control the amount as much with your knuckle so it inevitably means that your finger will still have to become involved at some point and, close you’re eyes now of you’re squeamish, still get Sudocrem down your nail.
The only option then is the finger but then you’re guaranteed to suffer from Sudocrem nail.
I am thinking about looking into setting up a support group. Either that or literally, begging Sudocrem to make a spray version.
Please, for my sanity.
Double dipping is another minefield and, one that I am going to leave for another time…
I’ve never suffered from this but it can easily be applied similarly to using the last few applications of a moisturiser which comes in tub form!
I’m sad that I didn’t pop up and say hello at #FabbLiverpool, but hope you’re well and I’d love to properly meet you at a future event!
Anita @ AllThingsAnita
Hi Anita me too. Will have to see each other at the next event. You will have to enlighten me about the tub trick 😉
Sudocream nails is not only on the nail itself .. its also on the sides of the cuticle. [Sometimes] I wear them with pride like how an artist have stains of paints on their hand. #mbpw