The mine field that is kids’ fancy dress
Last week I received an email from Boo’s nursery with information that has sent me into a total frenzy.
The nursery children will be taking part in a local carnival on the first weekend in July in, wait for it, fancy dress.
I can feel your sharp intake of breath and your sympathetic head shakes as you read this.
It is basically a mine field of unspoken protocol which, if you get wrong, could affect your child’s life.
The theme is storybook characters.
Do I go for the handmade outfit and risk it going wrong?
I have a long history of much effort in these areas with little, actual success.
Would a photo of her in a handmade Gruffalo outfit make her the laughing stock for years to come?
The other option is to buy a costume but would this make me look like I’m taking the easy option? It is inevitable the easier option but will I look unimaginative?
I feel like Boo’s whole nursery experience could be compromised by this one possible, faux pas.
I have Googled book character fancy dress (thank goodness for Google). Disney inevitably comes up and we do have a lovely Cinderella dress. I just don’t think Disney characters are classed as books. Yes, they’ve created books of them since the Disney films but, as in the case of Snow White, I can’t imagine the Brother’s Grimm version of Snow White is like the beautiful Disney version.
I quite fancied putting Boo in a pink and white striped dress and sending her as Milly Molly Mandy. We picked up a vintage box set in a charity shop and I love reading the stories at bedtime. However would people know who she was? I expect not.
The Gruffalo and the Hungry Caterpillar-both great choices seem a bit boyish to the mother who loves pink (not the child-the mother).
I still haven’t decided what to get for Boo. At three I don’t think she would understand if I asked her and, if she did tell me, would probably say Minnie which would go against my belief that Disney animals are not ‘real’ book characters.
I have looked at what we have and the choices are: Mary (as in Jesus’ mum). I picked this up in the sale at Sainsburys last years and it comes with a baby Jesus-not quite the season though is it? A Spanish dress which someone brought Boo off their holiday-but is there a book character that wears a Spanish dress? Oh and the Cinderella one-which comes under Disney.
I am undecided as yet whether to make or buy but it would help if I could agree on a character.
I think I am going to situate myself near our book cases and try and find some inspiration.
What would you do?

I think quite franticly I would just panic, I its a very english thing to do this fancy dress. As an american all I can think of is halloween. lol I am so nervous that when Buba starts school and MM what will I do, how will I know what its appropriate and what is not, a witch to a birthday part maybe not. hahahah So I will see what advice you get and learn from you! Good luck sorry I am not more help my darling. Thanks for linking up to Share With Me. #sharewithme
Personally I’d just buy something. For people that are super handy with a sewing machine or needle & thread then fine make. For me it’s a talent I don’t possess or have the time or inclination to learn… We’ve just bought our almost 5yo an Elsa dress for her birthday and I know she’ll absolutely LOVE it!
Good luck xx #MMWBH
I think either go with cinderella (most Disney fairy tales are based on original books so in my opinion that counts) or buy something. Or, my neighbour had this recently for her 6 yr old and they dressed her as Gretel from Hansel & Gretel, all she really needed was a cute pinafore dress (I think she adapted a longer skirt, but could you buy one?) plaited pigtails and a basket, for dropping breadcrumbs. Not sure if that helps at all but good luck! xx #mmwbh
If you have time you can make one and you can really choose the character that you like. if its me though I would go the easy route and buy something from the store (we live near a costume store – how lucky!) and add some personal touch just so even if its store bought its still unique to your daughter =) #MMWBH
I am terrible with costumes but the worst thing us when the school only give you about 2 days notice! My daughter’s class are doing the Lion King as their end of term production do currently looking out for lion coloured clothes. #MMWBH
This is SO hard. I hate fancy dress at the best of times. I feel your pain on the bought or made! As a teacher I LOVE to see kids come in costumes that have been cobbled together by their parents to show they’ve thought about it and talked about it and done their best – I’m less keen on someone digging out their Batman costume from the bottom of the toy box . . . HOWEVER as a Mummy? Ben went to school on World Book Day dressed as Batman . . . cos he wanted to.
I would love to be able to make my own fancy dress outfit, but I am still such a noob at this whole sewing lark, I know I’d cock it up…ROYALLY! lol. So easier to buy something! 😉 Thanks so much for linking up with #MMWBH xx