The Pregnancy Club. Am I done?
Pregnancy. Some people love it. Some people loathe it.
Some spend a lifetime and a fortune trying to become pregnant and yes, I suppose some wish they weren’t.
I have never taken pregnancy for granted. Having suffered from polycystic ovaries in my early 20s and having an operation to remove the cysts as well as “ovarian tissue” I doubted I would ever get pregnant.
Boo was a lovely surprise and I tentatively embraced the bump.
Even the day after I’d given birth to her however, I was broody again. We were getting married that year though so I held off and, basically, from the day we were married, I was trying to get a bump again.
The miscarriages prolonged my wait but, as you all know, baby Beb is proof that, just short of six weeks ago, I was sporting a rather large bump again.
You’d think after a far from tranquil birth, the last thing I would be think of is more babies but I am afraid I am.
The first time I spoke to one of my good friends after having Beb, I said ‘if I ever, ever, tell you I want another baby, either shoot me or remind me of this day.’
Needless to say, that feeling lasted a couple of days.
I just don’t know what it is.
Yes I love babies. I am finding it hard to accept that beautiful baby Beb will be my last newborn.
That milky smell. The warm, newborn skin. The way they rely on you for everything. Even the baby gros and their little feet, I can’t get enough.
I want to be a member of the pregnancy club again. That elusive club that so many people strive so hard to be members of.
When I am pregnant, I do tend to moan a bit. Who doesn’t?
I did moan more with Boo than Beb though as at that time, I didn’t realise how lucky I was to be pregnant.
I’ve got to say it though. I miss being pregnant. I miss going to Mothercare and staring wistfully at the little outfits and the maternity clothes.
I miss the attention you get from people who are genuinely interested in how you are and how long you’ve got left.
I miss the build up to the birth (am I mad?).
There are obviously things I don’t miss but, even in the midst of many, many, night feeds, the pros are outweighing the cons.
Could three be the magic number? I am yet to persuade Hubster but watch this space.

Having had three I am most definitely done. I’m cured. No more babies for me! I’m happy to just look at other people’s 😀 X
I’m still undecided. Sometimes I think I’d like another then other times I think I’m happy with 1. My friend who has a little boy 3 weeks older than mini m is due again in May, I keep thinking how can she do it?! Xx
I am currently 3 days overdue with number 3 and I am definately done being pregnant, I don’t do easy pregnancies with the sickness, terrible indigestion, blood pressure probs and worries towards the end with all three of mine, there will be no more newborns in this house after this one so I will be taking all the milky cuddles I can get when this baby finally arrives! I have never taken pregnancy for granted but it has come easily for us each time, three is the magic number for us. x #maternitymondays.
My first pregnancy was pretty rough. I was a teen mom that had her baby four months after graduation. I remember taking my finals & feeling SO ill. My son arrived 10 weeks early. (Dont worry he’s perfect today) The second time around, five years later my doctor assured me the baby wouldn’t come early. After terrible morning sickness, round ligament pain & swollen ankles, my daughter was born 14 weeks early emergency c-section. There were various complications with my body the second time around. However bad it was I do miss maternity clothes. Sometime I think I didn’t maternally bond with either of my children very well. So… After two early babies I am officially retired from the Pregnancy Club 🙁
i know this exact feeling! With my first i didn’t really embrace my bump, or treasure as much as I wish I should have. The second she was born I said never again! But here I am due in August with a 15 month old haha, I just love having a bump! Xx
Ooh see I know how lucky I was to get pregnant but I really hate it. It is obviously lovely in many ways but being pregnant does not agree with me and I don’t want to ever be pregnant again I have to say! Xx
Number three will be last. I’ve had an awful pregnancy this time and been pretty miserable. I’m done after baby arrives. Three is a good number though!
oh no you poor thing. Maybe I need a bad pregnancy to be done. I didn’t enjoy the birth this time yet it only put me off for a week haha. I can’t believe you only have 10 weeks left. Yay xx
I am the exact same and I have been so broody and for some reason I am more broody right after giving birth. It’s an amazing experience from start to finish. I would love a third someday! Lovely post. Thank you ever so much for linking up to Share With Me. #sharewithme
I don’t think that the feeling ever goes away. Baby 4 has just arrived here after the toughest of pregnancies and traumatic births and I still feel sad that this will be my last littlie.
Who knows what the future will hold but short of a lottery win, it won’t be another bump. x