Why I Can’t Go To Britmums Live



This weekend is BritMums Live. It is the UK’s biggest, two-day social media conference and blogger event, where lifestyle bloggers and social influencers gather to meet and socialise, network with brands, improve their skills, and fire their creativity.

My social media news feeds are awash with excitement. What to wear, what to take, where to eat on the first night etc etc.


I am not going.

Last year was the first year I really wanted to go. I sat there on Twitter, just found out I was pregnant with Baby G and did wonder whether I’d be able to get there this year but it is wishful thinking and I think it always will be.

Summer is the busiest time of year on the farm with hay making, sheep shearing and goodness knows what else.

It may seem weird to the non-farming world but I just can’t leave Hubster at this time. He needs me to be here to feed the troops and be on hand to offload any problems he might have.

Coupled with this, because he is so busy, he can’t look after the children. This year is probably the only year I could have taken Baby G with me. He should hopefully be toddling round next year and it’s only babes in arms accepted at the conference but for me, the baby isn’t the problem. I just can’t leave Boo behind. Ever.

She is a special one and would really fret without me here-it was bad enough when I was in hospital having the baby.

I really love blogging but I can’t do that to her. I wouldn’t rest the whole time.

So even if Hubster had a 9-5 Monday to Friday job, I still couldn’t come and really? I am ok with it.

Come Saturday when the tweets are coming in thick and fast, I will get a pang of jealousy but why pine for something I will never be able to do?

My blog is called Farmer’s Wife and Mummy and it all seems a bit of a laugh when I tell you about cats making their home in my car and petting our tame sheep but I really am a farmer’s wife and that means being at the farm most of the time.

I hope all who go have a brilliant time and I would love to get some notes of the speeches you attend but I am asking you one thing.

When you search for the hashtag #BritMumsLive, also search for our own hashtag #SheepShearing2015 because while you’re all rubbing shoulders in your specially chosen outfits, we will be knee deep in wool.


  1. I don’t blame you. Family comes first. This year is my first time and I’m having second thoughts already the expenses is so much, I’m not sure if it will be worth it.

  2. Good post idea; I might do one. It helps clearly noting why one can’t be part of the party; makes it more bearable when others are so excited!

    Blogging is bril but family is more so; any day any time hey!

    Good on you for standing with your man and children; cheering you all on with your sheep shearing 🙂

    Overhere from one your Facebook blogging group share.

  3. Great post Emma, I’m not going either. Last year I felt gutted about it, this year I’m actually relieved. More than happy to see the pics & tweets from my own home. xxx

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