2018- Our Year in Review

When thinking about this post, I looked back at last year’s Year in Review, 2018 doesn’t seem as dramatic at all. No new babies, no hospital stays for our immediate family and we end the year with just as many family members as we started with so I think I can safely say it has been good.

January saw one child turn seven and one turn three and then the baby was one in March.

G got his 15 hours of free nursery so toddled off there at the beginning of the Spring term and we started lambing at the end of March.

The biggest change was our eldest changed schools at Easter which was a big upheaval for her but she has adapted so well to the new school, new friends and new routine.

Despite hatching eggs twice in 2018, I end the year with no chickens thanks to foxes and I ended up selling four goats so I am down to two of them.

Rosie is still here thank goodness but was diagnosed with a heart murmur in September so I am constantly keeping an eye on her.

The blog has ticked along and I stuck to my decision last year to focus on our family from a farming angle. I think it makes the blog slightly different from traditional parenting blogs and I enjoy it much more.

Looking forward to 2019, I have set up the Farmer’s Wife and Mummy book club which is a group on Facebook where people with a love of farming and the countryside can discuss books they’ve read, want to read or have seen.

We start in January with The Secret Life of Cows by Rosamund Young.

I reached my 2018 book target of reading 12 books so I am going to go all out for 2019 and set 13 for my target. Unlucky for some? We will see.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog this year and I sincerely hope you continue to do so.

Do let me know if there is anything you would like me to write about and, don’t forget to follow me on social media-Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.

I hope you have all had a lovely Christmas and I wish you a Happy New Year from all of us.


  1. I’ve loved reading your blog this year and keeping up with all your family’s antics. Pleased that there were no hospital stays during 2018 – hopefully you will keep that trend up in 2019 too x

  2. I’m glad you’ve found your ‘niche’! I’m also so happy that the school change went well and she’s happy there! BLIMMING FOXES though! That’s not on! Thanks for linking up to #ShareYourYear

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