35 Weeks Pregnant With Baby Number 3

35 Weeks

I didn’t do a pregnancy update last week because nothing happened.

I joked that a quiet week always leads to an eventful one and I wasn’t wrong. Can you tell by the look on my face above?

I was booked in with my community midwife to have my blood pressure checked but I knew it would be high so I tried to bypass the community and go straight to the antenatal day unit. Unfortunately, they wouldn’t take self-referral so off I trooped.

I had been upset the night before about something unconnected and then I had a distressing phone call waiting for the midwife. All in all, it was a recipe for my blood pressure to go through the roof.


I was duly packed off to the antenatal day unit where it continued to rise and the midwife panicked, threw me in to a wheel chair and practically ran with me to labour ward with me, frightened, nothing packed, nothing in place for the children and imagining a baby in an incubator.

They gave me blood pressure medication (labetalol) and one of the doctors who knows me well came to see me, calmed me down and my blood pressure began to stabilise.

I was admitted onto the ward and threatened with an over night stay but, by some miracle, I was later released. I missed the poor children’s bedtime but I was home.

The baby had the tracer put on to monitor the heartbeat but in what is a given with babies of mine, it wouldn’t stay still so they had to scan me to find out where the baby was lying.

The midwives gasped when they saw my tummy because of the sheer amount of fluid in there and how sore my tummy looks.


The baby is basically tucked right up under my ribs with its legs dangling somewhere towards my back. They couldn’t believe the funny position.

Having already had two monkeys-G more so than Boo, I was not surprised.

On the way in, I got a magazine and two books for 99p from a charity shop for amusement. I am so glad I did.

My face still looks puffy from all the crying I did but the baby is still inside cooking and I am back home with my other babies so I am grateful.

I can’t see them letting me go over 37 weeks now but I have my final growth scan next week and an antenatal appointment so we will see.

In the mean time, I think I have to go and have my blood pressure measured twice over the weekend.

Definitely no. More. babies.


  1. Glad you are home now. My blood pressure shot up between seeing midwife at 39 weeks and labour starting at 40+2 it was high before baby was born and that’s why they wouldn’t let me home that night she was born. It took 2 weeks to go down again strangly.

  2. Sorry to hear you have had such a scare and a distressing time. I hope you are able to get some rest (as much as you can with a farm and 2 children!!!) I had a similar scare when I went for my 36 week check with Little one but they didn’t let me home and she was born the next day! Hang in there, sending hugs x

  3. Oh my goodness! You poor thing – so sorry you’ve had all of that to deal with. I realise it’s easier said than done with children but try and rest when you can this weekend lovely xxx

  4. Oh dear what a day for you! I’m so sorry you’ve had to go through all that and I do hope that’s the end of it now and the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly.

  5. Oh Blimey Emma! You poor thing, you must have been so worried. So glad everythimg worked out well in the end, and I hope you’re trying to take it easy now for the next couple of weeks. Xx

  6. Gosh that sounds really stressful situation. How was your blood pressure over the weekend? Better I hope. It must be so hard when you’ve got other children at home, this is what I worry about now I’m 37 pregnant with my second child, my little one, Hayden is only 14 months and wouldn’t have a clue about where I’d gone. I hope the growth scan and antenatal appointment go ok this week.

  7. Dramatic week! Glad things have stabilised and maybe you’ll meet your new bundle soon! Trying to relax when you have other children?! *hysterical laughter* #MaternityMonday

  8. I hope everything is better this week and you can try to enjoy your final weeks as a family of 4! I’m sorry to hear about your visit to the hospital and your upsetting news – not connected to baby .

    All the best

  9. Ohh this sounds horrible, I bet you are desperate for baby to arrive now! Glad you managed to avoid any over night stay in the hospital, hope all is well at your next appointment xx #maternitymondays

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