5 Ways You Know it’s Winter on the Farm

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We are in the deep, dark depths of winter on the farm and my, do we know it. I have therefore come up with five reasons you know it’s winter here.

1.My hands look like I am a bricklayer. They are so cracked and sore. Having animals and children means I wash my hands all the time. Then the cold gets in them. The most painful exercise is fastening small buttons on school shirts. It could be April before they resemble anything like normal, smooth ladies’ hands. I could not be a hand model.


2.My kitchen floor has muddy boot and paw prints a lot of the time. I sweep and mop twice a day in winter but I could easily do it every hour and it would still look like this. My biggest bugbear is the stones that come in hidden in the ridges of wellie soles and then pop out on my floor. Can you imagine how bad it was when my kitchen floor was cream?

3.You have to be extra quick getting yourself and your children in and out of the car. Farm cats are like a moth to a flame for warm cars and quite often slip in when your back is turned. Thankfully I have always noticed but we had a work man once who went down to our local village for lunch, only to find he had feline company.

4.Most of the conversations you have with your husband start with what’s the weather going to do? Is it going to freeze? Will it rain? Has it rained overnight? Everything here and I mean everything, revolves around the weather.

minty xmas

5.It is a game of Jenga trying to work out where you are going to move the sheep to each week to ensure they have a bit of grass for grazing. For the first time ever, Minty our pet sheep has been moved away from the field near the house. It therefore becomes a but of an adventure taking him a Weetabix treat each week.

Winter is the hardest season on the farm. Thankfully, Mother Nature follows it with Spring which at least gives us all hope, to get us through to the other side.


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