Farm Life, May 2020

Another month in lockdown on the farm and we have not been resting.

On the veg patch, the green beans were casualties of the late frost but everything else seems to be growing well and the long awaited greenhouse is on its way.

One of the farm vehicles needed new tyres (an expensive job) and I became the lucky owner of two tyre planters which have been a great hit with the children-even if I haven’t actually got to plant anything in them yet.

We made a compost heap and used it as a home school lesson to learn about composting and worms.

Lambing is officially over and I am pleased to announce that Shaun the Ryeland sheep is virile as our last lamb was a beautiful coloured Ryeland ewe lamb. As Shaun was with the ewes for longer, I am hopeful my white Ryeland might have a lamb still but I am not sure and I am just happy with the little lamb.

The woolly sheep and rams got an early shear which is what we did last year and poor Betsy was well over due for it as the wool had been affecting her eyes. It was a great day.

The pet lambs went into the front field which is a sure sign that lambing is over and it is lovely seeing them frolic around from our garden and give them the chance to become even tamer thanks to the incessant hugs and kisses from the children.

This month has also seen a new addition at the farm, specifically, in the farmhouse. Little Bramble, the Norfolk Terrier has joined the family. Three children and three dogs is my absolute limit in the house but she is a lovely little dog with an adorable temperament.

Having the children at home has seen them become chief egg collectors which is hilarious to watch as the sheep in there like to ambush the children for food which I like to see and then inevitably have to go an shoo the sheep away.

Involving them with the veg growing has seen them try chive flowers and radishes so far so it just shows you that growing and cooking encourages children to eat more things then may not have eaten previously.

Field work is now on the horizon as summer draws nearer. It is my least favourite time in the farming calendar and I imagine it will be even worse this year due to the isolation at the farm.

There is not a lot we can do about it though so onwards we go into the first days of summer.

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