A Farm Themed Children’s Room

I think I started planning a farm themed bedroom when our second child was about 3 weeks old.

I realise farm themes are unisex but when our eldest child was born and was a girl, I opted for a pink and green woodland theme bedroom. She has since moved on to unicorns and rainbows so it was our first boy who really got me chomping at the farm-themed bit.

Tractors and farm animals were flying through the interiors department of my mind.
The nursery was white and grey and it stayed like that long after we had baby number three who slept in our room until he was well over two.

We decided to swap the bedrooms around in late 2017.

The boys would eventually share so it seemed logical that they should have the bigger room.

I mused that when the baby was moving into the bedroom with his brother that it was then I would introduce the farm theme for them so it would be a “new” room for them both.

There are built in cupboards in all the bedrooms and the remaining three walls painted white so I just had to pick the feature wall to adorn with a mural.

I bought a tractor rug from Next years ago and kept to rolled up in the wardrobe until we were ready to bring everything together.

I bought the bedding and curtains from Amazon but I have seen similar in Dunelm and on eBay. The wall stickers were anther eBay find and the bunting and toy basket was from a local firm.

The ceiling in both of the children’s rooms is blue with clouds on which I love so fr the sky on the feature wall, I just painted the blue down a bit and free hand drew two hills with pencil.

I used a children’s paint brush to outline the hills and then a roller to do the rest. When I sent a photo to my mum before I pained the green, she did comment that the hills looked a little bit like a pair of bosoms which I thought hilarious (and true) but the green, together with the stickers made it look more pastoral scene than x-rated nightmare.

I still love our farm-themed room. I mean, what other bedroom could we have gone for?

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