A Return to Chickens

It’s been a while. Probably a year in fact since we last had chickens.

We’ve had them off and on since we moved to the farm but, as I’ve told you before, Mr Fox paid us a few visits and then when I got pregnant with Baby G, Hubster sold them because, and I quote, he didn’t want to look after my dog, sheep, rabbits AND chickens while I was in confinement.
A) what century are we in. Confinement.
B) why just the chickens?

Anyway I reluctantly allowed him to sell them. However the farm just doesn’t seem like a farm without hens so I had one of my small coops mended and yesterday, the children and I went to pick two ladies from a flock at another farm up the road.

Meet Beryl and Sylvia.


Beryl is a Black Rock and Sylvia (the more silvery one of the two) is a Speckeldy.

I only have one photo so far because the seemed a bit shy so I just left the with food and water to settle in.

I am so happy we have chickens again and I am going to encourage Boo to go and collect the eggs.

If you have ever wanted to keep chickens yourself, here is my easy guide.


  1. Oh Emma, I need to come and live on your farm – I would love to have hens in the garden and these two are gorgeous. I did chuckle at the confinement comment – my MIL is a bit like that about my horse. Every time I’ve spoken to her since I’ve been pregnant, she has asked if I still have the horse… As if I’m suddenly going to sell him after 19 years just because I’m having a baby! xx

    1. Hehe it’s funny isn’t it? I’m not holding my breath though foxy is never far away 🙁

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