
Find about our life on the farm

Farm Life, May 2020

Farm Life, May 2020

Another month in lockdown on the farm and we have not been resting. On the veg patch, the green beans were casualties of the late frost but everything else seems to be growing well and the long awaited greenhouse is on its way. One of the farm vehicles needed new tyres (an expensive job) and…

Farm Life, March 2020

Farm Life, March 2020

I seem to have taken hundreds of photos of hens this month. I have a few fancy ones and their hilarious bouffants amuse me every time I see them. Photographing them though seems to be harder than it looks and I was happy with one photo until I went back and I had chopped the…

Farm Life, January 2020

Farm Life, January 2020

**Contains an image of a fox ravaged duck It’s been a funny old month on the farm. Christmas has been and gone and in terms of farm life, everything carried on as usual. Having the children off school meant any animal feeding had help took three times longer but they do enjoy collecting the eggs,…