Gooey Chocolate Easter Cake with Custard

custard cake title
Easter makes me think of chocolate and the colour yellow. It must be the Spring element.

So for your Easter cake, how about combining chocolate with yellow? I think it would look lovely as your table centre piece on Easter Sunday.

I love custard in baking-just think vanilla slice but with sponge rather than pastry.

2016-03-08 12.00.23

You will need:

8oz caster sugar
8oz self-raising flour
8oz butter
4oz cocoa powder
4 eggs
Splash of milk (if needed)

Custard powder and milk*
Mini chocolate eggs

When you have all of your ingredients ready, put the milk for the custard in a pan and gently bring to the boil while you make the cake.

For the cake. Sieve the flour into a bowl and add the rest of the cake ingredients (it is essentially an all in one Victoria sponge). Beat until light and creamy-adding the milk if the mixture is a little dry.

Divide into , lined, eight-inch cake tins and bake in the oven for 25 minutes. I Swap the cakes around if the y are on separate oven shelves.

When the cake is coming away from the sides of the tins, bring out of the oven.


Keep your eye on the custard and add the custard powder and milk rue mixture when needed and bring off the hob when thoroughly mixed.

*You can make your own custard but you need it very thick which is hard to do when you make it yourself so I think custard powder is the best option for this cake.

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After ten minutes, turn the cakes out of the tins onto wire racks.

Let the custard cool completely.

When both the cake and custard are cooled completely, spread some custard (around a third) over one of the cakes and put the other cake on top. Then spread the remaining custard over the top of the cake and smooth out with a palate knife.

Sprinkle the mini eggs over the custard and serve.

You can add some cocoa to the custard powder at the rue stage of you would like chocolate custard but I personally love the yellow.


Hubster actually said it was the best cake yet. Why not have a go this Easter and see for yourself?


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