I won!

At the beginning of March, I concocted a recipe to help celebrate Faitrade Fortnight. I entered it into a competition with Liberation Nuts to win a fabulous Fairtrade foodie hamper.


The competition was only drawn by the amazing chef Allegra McEvedy, comedian Harry Hill and nutritionist Fiona Kirk of Fat Bust Forever who has written books on dieting (Fiona, I will be in touch-it was only right that I tested the cake out!)


Anyway, the finalists were announced and I was really pleased to be in the final six. I didn’t expect to get in the top three as the competition was so good.


However, I won!


That’s right, I came first.


I can’t believe it. Out of all those people, the picked me and my Nutty Banana Fairtrade Cake Creation.

2014-03-07 18.37.07

I am very humbled by it all to be honest. The real winners of course are the farmer’s out there-especially those in countries where they are not given a decent wage for their produce and work in unsafe conditions. It is also down to the people like Liberation Nuts who work tirelessly to help make sure these farmers are treated properly and that people like us can eat our bananas and nuts with a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and, with a clear conscience, know that people in South America, Asia, the Caribbean and Africa were paid a fair price for their wares.

Continue to support Fairtrade. You really can make a difference-just by doing your usual weekly shop.


If you want to see my recipe again, click here.



Eats Amazing Fun Food Friday


  1. How exciting! Good for you. I did think that recipe looked pretty fantastic when I read it. I have yet to make it but I will soon!

  2. Congratulations! That is awesome!!! Well done too it looks so deliciously yummy. I see why they picked you. #sharefriday

  3. Congratulations, that’s brilliant, and well deserved I’m sure. I’ll be checking out the recipe in a minute, your cake looks and sounds absolutely gorgeous!
    Thank you for linking up at Fun Food Friday!

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