Minging Minnie-tales of washing a much loved toy
Most children have a favourite toy. Some have a blanket or some other comforter which they cherish above all else.
I still have my comforter. Could he be classed as an antique? For my own sake, I am going to say no but I do love this bear. He is 35 years old this Christmas. He was a gift for my first Christmas and my, has he comforted me over the years.
Boo has her own personal favourite. It is a Christmas special Minnie Mouse bought from the Disney Shop in 2012. They bring a new one out each year and she loved it from the minute she saw it.
For Christmas 2013, I bought her that year’s Minnie. It has a gold dress instead of red but it is not the same to her.
She prefers the red. She takes it everywhere with her. In a blind panic in case we lose her, I bought another 2012 Minnie off eBay. I did plan to hide it in my cupboard but, in the end, the new one became the ‘sit-on-the-bed’ Minnie while the red one is known affectionately as minging Minnie. Why I hear you ask? Well, she’s minging.
She gets dragged around the farm. Her feet trail out of the toy pram. At sheep shearing she fell into sheep poo, she once got left on the lawn over night and had snail trail on her.
She has been washed many times but I am concerned about how many more washes she will take. Both her feet have become a bit frayed.
I took Boo into work last week after we had been to Annie’s in Manchester (look carefully at those photos and you will see minging Minnie). My lovely friend at work asked innocently, ‘Can Minnie be washed?’ I laughed but, when we got home I did see how truly minging our little Minnie was looking.
Now for operation get her away from Boo.
We went into work on Wednesday. It took until Friday to get Minnie in the washing machine yet I was still spotted and this happened:
I ended up taking her out so as to lessen the trauma of her beloved toy being out of reach.
When we got home, I tried to sneak the pillow case past Boo but nothing escapes that little one’s sight and she excitedly shrieked ‘Ninniiiiiieeeee’.
Mean mummy struck again though, I just whipped her upstairs before Boo got her back wet.
It was a traumatic experience for us all and one, I am hoping not to repeat for a while.
Please stay clean Minnie.
What was your favourite toy as a child or what is your children’s favourite comforter now?

My daughter is 11 and still sleeps with ‘dadums’ – her first cuddly and near enough her first word. Of course it’s nowhere to be seen when friends are round….. We gave up washing it a few years back as it’s threadbare, no way it would survive the washing machine! #sharewithme
I get so nervous every time we have to wash Arthur’s bed time bunny it’s a terrifying thing!!!!
Love this and can relate so much as Buba had a favorite blankie and I went and got two and he found it and now has to drag them both around all the time. They are becoming rags quickly and I don’t know what I will do as they don’t sell them anymore. EEEEK Hope Minnie stays clean! lol Thanks so much for linking up to Share With Me. Great to have you back! 🙂 #sharewithme
Such a cute post. I had a blanket. My daughter has a noo-noo which is meant to be a light from ikea but we have lost the charger. Its odd I know! #binkylinky
Aww I know it’s gross but I really think toy comforters are cute! Indiana has a bunny that she snuggles at nap/bedtime and I have a feeling she’s going to be around for a while xx #binkylinky
I’m so glad Minnie washed well. I’m thankful in a way that my kids have no particular teddy that they love above any others. I have my childhood teddy Ginger stored in my bedroom, firmly out of their reach. #binkylinky
Ah my boy tends to have favourite HUGE bear at the moment that has to go everywhere with us, but when it needs washing i just tell him he is going to have a bath and i distract him with another game whilst i bung him in the machine! alternatively i freeze it overnight to kill all the bugs whilst he is asleep! #binkylinky
Both of my girls have comforters, my eldest has a humphreys corner one and I had to buy a second off ebay, my youngest has a pink bunny but I bought 3 so we always had spare after experiences with her sister when ill etc. Both have them regularly washed and know they are washed in fact Little 2 prefers a clean one which she calls sniffy bunny as she sniffs the washing powder as she sucks her thumb!
I wait until my girls are asleep and then sneakily get hold of their blankets and pop in the wash! Thanks for linking up to the #binkylinky