Welcoming our new hens for their fresh start in life

Last Saturday I wrote about how Freshstart for Hens works and what happens to chickens who are farmed intensively for eggs. (See https://farmerswifeandmummy.com/2014/02/15/giving-ex-commercial-hens-a-fresh-start/) This week was the exciting bit. I have just got back from picking up our ten ladies who have come to live with us. The lovely Kerry whose house was used for…

Chicken escapades

It’s never a dull moment here. Today, after a lot of nagging gentle persuasion, Hubster has moved my big chicken coop from the front field to the garden. It has been like walking in quick sand what with all the mud in the front field and Minty, the pet lamb who is he-sheep sized now,…

The Mummy Tag

I’ve been dying to do one of these ‘meme’ question and answer posts for ages but someone has to nominate you. Thankfully, Jo at the fabulous http://notafrumpymum.com came to my rescue so here it is. A set of 20 questions about parenting. 1.Are you a Stay at Home Mum, or a Working Mum? I went…