Taking on the #NoJunkJourney with Organix
Late last year, I received a very exciting email from Organix asking me to be part of their blogger team in 2017 and take part in my very own Organix No Junk Journey.
As a mother, I am always looking at ways to help my children (and myself) eat more healthily so of course I agreed.

With Christmas a distant memory now, and January seeming to be going on forever, it can seem like eating No Junk is much more expensive than getting your five-a-day.
I often joke when I begin healthy eating plans that it is cheaper to live on frozen pizza and chips than it is to cook wholesome meals. If you are clever though, it doesn’t have to be.
For fresh fruit and veg, it is always worth checking out the reduced sections in supermarkets. The produce is not always spoiled and just needs either using up quickly or being imaginative with it.
Root vegetables, for example can be part cooked and frozen as can soft fruits.
Other veg can be made into tasty vegetable bakes and frozen whilst fruits like melon and mango can be frozen in cubes and used for smoothies.
When we get whole lambs back from the abbatoir, it is amazing what things you can come up with from the parts of the animal which are thought of as cheaper cuts.
The neck for example makes a brilliant slow cooked stew and a shoulder of lamb can feed us for up to four days if you are imaginative.
We all tend to have well stocked cupboards-much more so than my parents’ generation who tended to shop smaller but more frequently.
Sometimes a smaller shop is a good idea though. You can buy fresher ingredients, eat more seasonably as well as cooking what you actually fancy to eat that night.
With a busy farm and a young family, I wouldn’t get by without some kind of meal plan. Even just knowing the things I am cooking for the next three days helps as it means you can chop and change depending on time or circumstances.
For me, meals like chilli and spaghetti bolognaise are on the menu on a bi-weekly rotation. I batch cook so that there is enough for two meals for each of us as well as sometimes enough to have it for lunch with a jacket potato. I also love how you can sneak hidden veg into such dishes with our fussy children even knowing.
We can’t wait to continue sharing our #NoJunk journey with you this year and we hope you can join in too.
For more information on Organix, you can visit their website or connect with them on social media-Facebook, Twitter and Instagram where you can hastag #NoJunkJourney and see how others are getting on.
•This is a collaborative post with Organix.
Oh this is a great initiative, I look forward to reading more about it during the year. I also find that cooking for several days is much easier than just cooking a different meal each day.