Word of the Week: Sleep


My word of the week is:ย SLEEP. My obsession with itย or lack of it.

Up to being two, Boo was a brilliant sleeper. Some days I’d have all my house work done by the time shee got up. Many times it was after 8am and, if I was really lucky 9am.

Oh those days.

So Boo turned two. It coincided with going in a big girl bed. She could get out herself-great.

Many times I would feel a little hand on my arm in the night and a small child whispering shouting ‘Hiya’ in my ear.

That wasn’t all. Being able to get up herself also meat getting her to sleep was a trial.

sleep 1

(excuse the unpainted wardrobes, we still have a lot to do in the house)

I adopted the ‘gradual retreat’ method. The nursing chair was dragged back in and I spend months moving it around the room until it was behind her head.

That is a good tip too-I positioned the bed so Boo was looking at a wall rather than the door-that way, getting out was so much easier.

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About eight months after starting the gradual withdrawal method, Boo started going to sleep better. The nursing chair is back in the spare room patiently waiting for a time we will hopefully use it again being used for airing washing and I now read the story sat on the floor in the door way where Boo can hear me but not see me. Then I crawl out of the room and shut the door. Bingo.

Well yes but recently, we have been through a terrible stage of night waking. If I get up and settle her back down she usually goes off. The times I have been so tired that I couldn’t physically get out of bed and Hubster had gone in has seen her not settle and he brought her in our bed-this lasted for weeks.

I’d be up five or six times on a bad night and then, too tired to move, she would end up between us at around 4am.

She then started sleeping through but spent one night at my parents as we went out for a meal for Hubster’s 40th birthday and let’s just say, the fun began again. We questioned ourselves over whether it is even worth our annual night out to have to deal with the consequence of it for weeks months after.

I seriously think you get used to lack of sleep.

Parents of older children have told me they sleep through eventually. We can only hope.

I think what has made it harder is that she used to sleep.

We’ve contemplated having her bed in our room but I don’t want that. We need our own space and I don’t think that will solve anything.

Last night I only got up once but she was up before 6am. Some mornings it’s 5am. Surely it must be character building.

For all the parents out there who worry about sleep though, I take a philosophical approach. In ten years time, Boo will probably not want to be anywhere near us in bed so, in this I take comfort.

I will also invest in one of those make up pens for eye bags.

The Reading Residence


  1. Oh no, tough! And you have me a little worried, as my son’s a good little sleeper, and it hadn’t occurred to me that is could soon go awry! My daughter’s not too bad, but she survives on a lot less than my son likes to have! I do like the way you’ve looked at it, though, and you are right. In a few years, we’ll miss this. But it can be oh so tiring in the meantime! Thanks for joining in and sharing with #WotW x

    1. wow I can’t imagine it! It feels a long way off to me though and I don’t want to wish it away ๐Ÿ™

  2. Oh gosh you poor thing, sleep deprivation is not good and I read this with fear as Monkey has always been a good sleeper, but I am terrified a similar situation will arise when he can get out of his bed… yikes. I hope you can find a solution soon – have you heard of gro-clocks, a lot of people say they work so may be worth a try? Good luck and well done for staying positive! xx #wotw (loving the new look site by the way :))

    1. I will look them up. Hoping the clocks springing forward might help although light or dark doesn’t seem to make any difference. There are good sleepers out there so don’t worry ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. My tween would stay in bed all day if she had the chance….lol She used to be a terrile sleeper….Things certainly do change when they get older! x

  4. This is why we have an extra tall stairgate on my son’s bedroom door! It took him a few days to get used to it and fell asleep on the floor next to it a couple of times but he has been absolutely fine with it ever since and he doesn’t feel secure now unless its shut and he’s 4! He calls out and tells us to come and shut the gate! Its been invaluable. I know its not for everyone though! X #WotW

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