An Ice Cream Van Vists The Farm




Living on a farm is amazing. we have no neighbours.
We have no neighbours,
This is the best thing in my opinion. as well as the space and the animals of course.

There are some things we miss out on though.

We don’t get charty bags in the letter box. No Avon Lady calls. Our post and refuge collection is always really late because we are on the rural route.

Our children will never be able to ‘call’ on their friends like I did. They won’t be able to play kirby unless they visit someone else’s house.

The one thing I think is the worst though is that we get no ice cream man.

Imagine that.

The Greensleeves you all take for granted and the children whining for a Mr Whippy will never happen here.

Well guesss what? It maybe the middle of October but, today, an icecream vam visited and believe me, it was an event.


He even played the tune.

I knew he was coming but I kept it from Boo to avoid the three hour chanting- ‘ice cream mummy?’

My niece sent me a text to say he was five minutes off so we went downstairs, I put the baby in the pram and, as I opened the gate, the icecream man came down the drive.

I wish I could have captured the look on Boo’s face. She was delighted and ran to the van.


Unfortunately, there was already a queue when we got there and, despite running to the front and eyeing up everyone else’s confections, she did wait patiently.


We all had icecream, even Hubster. Plus Baby G couldn’t be left out.


The fact that we are not used to icecream vans coming to the farm made it even more special and I think it will be a day Boo will remember for a very long time.


  1. This post made me smile Emma, no chance of an ice cream van coming to our village never mind Coombe Mill with it’s big hill so I can totally understand the excitement! Perhaps I should have my own Ice cream hour at Coombe Mill in the afternoons for our guests! #MagicMoments

    1. Retrieved you out of spam Fiona. You really should. You could get one of those carriers they have at the theatre or better still-a cart!!

  2. Ohh this is lovely…how exciting and definitely a magic moment. I would love to live rurally and in amongst the countryside but I do worry that I would miss things that are close by to us now! Popping over from #magicmoments

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