Ban Stickers Now
Such a great idea for kids on rainy days.
Ban the stickers. Ban ALL the stickers.
We have had a love-hate relationship with all things sticky since Boo learnt how to stick the blasted things.
From sticking them on my bump when I was pregnant, nothing is safe.
I have had stickers on my kitchen chairs…
Not to mention the table, the walls in the living room…
Even the car is not immune to this child’s love of sticking things.
If she stuck them in the actual books that they usually come with, I would not have a problem.
I hate to curtail her artistic flair but, please, please, for my own sanity and nail varnish, please don’t buy Boo any more stickers, unless you hate me…
Or the dog.
We havent learnt to unstick them from the paper yet.
I envy your situation. Maybe don’t let on they come off 😉
I’ve had to use graffiti remover to get stickers off furniture and toys!
Argh I hate stickers. Yesterday I found a gold star stuck to my bottom (how long had it been there? Did people assume I had awarded my fine derriere an award? Which little blighter stuck it on me?).You’re right they should be banned, along with glitter and Mr Maker.