Impatient to Grow My Own

It’s official. I am done with winter.
Is it me or do our summers get shorter and shorter?
You see, this year I have plans.
We might live on a farm but no crops are grown here. It is all livestock so this year I am going to try to grow my own.
I have tried once before when we lived in a normal house but gave up pretty quickly. This time I am determined.
We have plenty of organic fertiliser on tap so they should grow like anything.


Last summer I thought on my feet and got on of the hubster’s big tractor tyres and used it as a planter.
There are bulbs in it and I planted bedding plants. It is looking a bit sorry for itself now but I’m sure it will perk up when if the spring ever comes.
Now I’m not a natural born gardener. You won’t find me on my knees tending to my seedlings. It’s all about the raised bed with me and thankfully, with the things that come and go here, there is an abundance of ‘items’ which can will lend themselves to planters.
I’ve found these boxes.


I am going to paint them and drill holes in them. Put draining rubble in and then manure and compost.
I’ve bought a window propagator from IKEA for my window sill, loads of seeds and a blueberry bush.

green house blueberry

Unfortunately, blueberry bushes have to be planted for a year before they yield fruit but Boo loves blueberries so I think that will be a winner.
The problem is, I want to start now but the weather is too bad. I am going to start painting the boxes this week and maybe put the rubble and soil in but then I have to wait UNTIL MARCH!!
Ok, I know it isn’t long to wait but I am dying to have a go.
 At weekend, I was so impatient, I even painted one of our old chicken coops. Yes it is pink but if you ask me, there isn’t enough pink in the poultry world.

before after coop

Why not follow my progress through the year and see if we get to actually eat anything.
If it were down to enthusiasm alone, I feel as if I could grow a green grocers but let’s see.
Do you grow your own? Any tips would be greatly appreciated.



  1. I only just saved my carefully storied sweet pea seeds at the weekend – I had left them out in a container to remind myself that if it would only stop raining for five minutes I could plant them and Patrick scooped them up saying “shall I get rid of these old peppercorns…?”

  2. Ooh you are excited! Loving your plans, especially the blueberries 🙂 am so with you in being fed up with the winter and can understand why you don’t want to wait to plant them… I have visions of you on your knees staring at the planters waiting for them to sprout! 🙂 hehe #allaboutyou xx

  3. So you’re done with winter…. but the question is… is winter done with you?!! ;)) Love your plans and you’re bespoke planters, look forward to seeing how your project grows. Thanks so much for linking up to #AllAboutYou

  4. Well, we don’t live on a farm but last year hubby grew potatoes in tires like you have pictured above and it worked great! The only issue we had with it was when it got to the HOT part of summer we had to make sure they didn’t burn up. Good luck!

  5. I love your enthusiasm – go you! We live in London but grow spinach, carrots and potatoes in our garden, and the usual herbs (although I just can’t get the hang of keeping coriander alive!). Saw a great book recently about growing crops in pots – you look like you are teeming with ideas, good luck, and here’s wishing winter away too! I’ve had enough!


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