My Eton Mess(y) Swiss Roll

photo 5

I acknowledge myself that a lot of the things I do are met with much enthusiasm yet little success. It never puts me off, I always have a go.
This can certainly be said from my latest Great British Bake-off inspired bake.
Messy it certainly was.
I used a Mary Berry recipe for the sponge from the Mary Berry Baking Bible book which uses 4oz of sugar, self raising flour and four eggs.
The bake was going ok up to here. I decided on the Eton Mess filling because you can’t get more classically British inspired than that, can you?

photo 3

For the Eton Mess(y) bit, you will need:
300ml whipping cream
Punnet of raspberries (or strawberries)
1 table spoon of caster sugar
8-10 mini meringues.

I added four raspberries into the cream with the sugar to make it pink and whisked until the cream was thick.

photo 4
Then I folded in the remanding raspberries and mini meringues.
I spread the mixture over the Swiss roll base and began to roll.

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I don’t know if it was too much filling or my rolling wasn’t up to scratch but it is more of a Swiss fold than a roll.

photo 4 (2)
The good news that is still tasted lovely and I had approval from my chief tester.

photo 2

This post is an entry to the Mummy Mishaps Great Blogger Bakeoff 2014



  1. oh i love the name and the filling idea! very classically British! You are the second swiss fold that has entered and it still looks delicous!
    biscuits next week – I look forward to seeing you then, maybe x
    thanks for joining in

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