My pregnancy stalker

Now, you don’t have to tell me that dogs are clever creatures. I am a great advocate for the intelligence of the canine species.
However, since I have been pregnant, I have had a shadow with me. Everywhere.
She was like this when I was pregnant with Boo.
When I felt ill in the early days with this pregnancy though and, on one occasion, went to bed really early, Hubster said Rosie cried at the kitchen door until he let her up to check on me. She knew.
Now I do class her as my dog so she does look after me most of the time anyway but the last few months, the care and attention has been brought to a whole new level.
I thought it would be funny to document in a two hour period the level of her commitment to looking out for me so here goes.

photo 1 (2)

Waiting while I take washing out of the machine

photo 2 (2)

Watching from behind the fence while I hang the washing out


Having a snooze while I iron *see Mum I do iron*

photo 1

Following me upstairs

photo 2

Waiting while I put the ironing away

photo 3

Following me downstairs.

She really is thorough in her care and I love it.

I love my dog.


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