Sleeping Arrangements- In Denial
It is accepted that sleeping in the same room as your baby is the safest option for the first six months.
While I imagine most parents have their baby in their bedroom, as usual, we have done it differently. I have slept in Baby G’s room since the day we brought him home.
It made sense, to us. Hubster works hard. It seemed pointless for us both to be tired and he got up with Boo in the morning and sometimes let me have a nap.
It worked for us.
The thing is, with G being six months, it would be totally acceptable for me to go back to my own bedroom.
The thing is though, I am a bit reluctant to do so.
The nursery is lovely. I have a bed to myself, there are no duvet-wars, Baby G does not snore. To be honest, I could write a whole page of excuses to stay in the same room as my son. Forever.
I’m just not sure it’s the done thing for a 15 year old to be sleeping in the same room as his mother.
I know I have to do the right thing and go back into my room. I know I must go.
I may just stay in my little nest for just one more week month.
What were your sleeping arrangements like when you had a baby?
Awww I was very reluctant to put Z in his own room just because I didn’t want to be away from him and I think it took me about 8’months or so to do it 🙂 it sounds quite cosey in his nursery!
We only had a one bedroom flat until Zachary was 18 months old and then it took a while to decorate his bedroom so he slept in our room until he was two!! It was so weird when we moved him into it!!
Aww. Both our girls moved to their own rooms at 4-6weeks on their own. With daddy working funny shifts it was better then waking the girls when he came home or got up for work.
Aw my friend is exactly the same as you and she’s really struggling with the idea of leaving her little girl, she’s started by going into bed with her husband once a week & says she’ll increase it. We moved Mini M to his own room when he was about 5 months, he’d out grown his moses basket. I didn’t sleep for weeks worrying about him, I wish I’d had video monitor thing for my peace of mind. xx
Haha one night a week sounds manageable. I might have a drink tomorrow night and try it out 😉
We’ve had our baby in with us since he was born and now at 14 months I can’t imagine spending a night without him in my room, I love it! #maternitymondays
We had Evie in our room and I cried so much when she slept in her own room for the first day (well month). Even now at 16 months old, if she wakes up in the night I quickly scoop her up and bring her in with us. I love having her in with us. I know she’s safe and protected. But the cute thing is, when she’s settled we now ask her if she want Evie’s bed. 9/10 times she says yes and we take her back to her cot. It’s so lovely and reassuring knowing that’s where she wants to be. It sounds strange but my other half and I actually have separate duvets on the same bed! Maybe try that! I am such a duvet hogger and he used to get so fed up that we now have our own duvet! 😀 It saves arguments/wars that’s for sure. x #maternitymondays
We had our baby sleeping in our room until she was 5months and to be honest she slept much better in her own room without us making noise! But we did and still do take it in turns to sleep with her during tough weeks of teething. As you said it makes no sense for both parents to be zombie and cranky with no sleep so we try to work out a little schedule to allow us both to function!
Indiana was in her own room so quickly and is now such an independent sleeper – don’t get me wrong I’m glad of that haha – but I definitely think I’ll be keeping Parker with me for a whole lot longer haha xx
I know the feeling. Emma slept in our room to begin with and even though she was outgrowing her crib I just couldn’t bring myself to move her. As chance would have it, she threw up all over her crib so while I cleaned it I had to put her in her cot in her own bedroom. She loved it and slept really well. It took me a few days (or weeks) to get used to not being able to see her when I opened my eyes. It’s for the best though, especially since she snores now lol #MaternityMondays
Ha, duvet wars!I hate those too. We had Leo in our room until he was 5 months, I was really sad when we moved him into his nursery x #maternitymondays
We moved about 3 months. That said at least three times a week he’s in our bed!
I moved Alfie into his room at around 10 weeks and Elarna when we got home from holiday, she has been in there for about a month now and so far so good. She’s mostly sleeping through and Mummy gets more zzz’s too, best thing I did. Good luck when you do vacate the room 🙂 #maternitymondays