#Ad Trying Out the Little Crumbs, Kids Baking Subscripion Box

Subscription boxes are very popular and you can purchase them for a number of activities both for adults and children. I was contacted by the lovely Sarah who runs Little Crumbs baking and cookery classes for children in the North East of England to try out her new subscription boxes.

All of my children love baking but, as a parent, I often get stuck in the fairy-cake-rut. I am always on the look out for new recipes to try and Little Crumbs boxes takes the deliberation away for you

Aimed at children from three to ten, the Little Crumbs boxes are designed to deliver a magical experience for each child. The boxes try to encourage children to connect with nature, inspire healthy eating choices and learn valuable skills through cooking.

The box arrived and was small enough to fit through a letter box which was good and all boxes are made from 90 per cent recycled cardboard and can go on to be recycled again. 

Inside we got:

All of the dry ingredients to make the recipe of the month (our month was gingerbread men).

A recipe card with illustrated instructions on it

An illustrated short story in which characters receive their own Little Crumbs box 

A craft activity and instruction card (the month we received the box, it was a pine cone, pom pom, sticky eyes and pipe cleaners to make a pinecone reindeer.

One Sunday afternoon, I asked the children if they would like to bake and they ran, squealing into the kitchen. They had just had a bath for school so I wanted to keep them entertained and relatively clean.

What was great about the boxes is that everything came measured out so, for younger children especially, this made things more simple.

For the gingerbread men, you had to rub in the butter and the flour which was very interesting with my kids. I helped them in the end as most of the ingredients were getting slopped over the side of the bowl and we eventually got to the rolling part.

No cutters were included so I hauled out our bulging bag of cutters, spread some out on the table and let them get to work.

While I did provide a gingerbread man shape, we also had gingerbread chickens, cows and tractors to bring to life.

Great fun was had. The whole family got involved (canine as well as human). The baby was very confused for a while and thought it was play dough until he saw his big brother eating the mixture and decided to try it himself.

The chihuahua sat on one of their knees and Rosie the Jack Russell camped out under the table for any nit bits that inevitably fell to the floor.

Our finished biscuits may not have won any prizes in the looks department but when we do activities like this, I like to pull back a bit to give the children a chance to interpret the task as they like and to give them choices on how things turn out.

They might not have looked so great but they tasted wonderful and I had three very impatient bakers waiting for the goodies to cook and then cool down.

Thankfully, this is where the short story print out came into its own as we sat down and read it, talking about what we had just done while the bakes cooled down.

I find it really annoying when you decide to make something but then can’t because you are missing an ingredient and this is the best bit about Little Crumbs boxes. There is no waste from the ingredients and you don’t have to by a whole jar of ginger for example as it comes in the box.

I also love the added extras. As I was expecting a baking subscription, I never imagined the craft activity to be included so that seemed like a bonus.

Boxes cost £12.99 and are available to buy via the Little Crumbs website. There are options for three, six and 12 months of subscriptions where you receive the boxes at a discounted price or you can just sign up and cancel at any time should you change your mind (highly unlikely).

They would make a wonderful gift for any budding bakers and I can’t wait to see the recipes each month. I feel like the hard work of deciding what to cook with the kids is taken from me.

We loved Little Crumbs.

*We were sent the Little Crumbs box for the purpose of this review but all opinions are my own.


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