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10 Facts about Turkeys

10 Facts about Turkeys

We are a nation of turkey lovers and nothing says Christmas more than the smell of turkey filling the house on Christmas Day. As one of our most seasonal foods, it seems while we may know quite a bit about cooking the bird (or visiting Mr Google several times between picking up the turkey and…

The ART OF OAT-AGRONOMY: The science behind a bowl of White’s porridge oats

The ART OF OAT-AGRONOMY: The science behind a bowl of White’s porridge oats

With the #oats feed on Instagram approaching one million snaps of tempting bowls of porridge decorated with colourful, beautifully chopped fruit, dollops of peanut butter and even a chunk or two of chocolate, it’s easy to see why oats have gained in popularity and why it is the latest ‘in’ healthy breakfast. But what makes…