
I’m A-Tractor-ed To You- Why You Shouldn’t Feel Bad if Your partner Isn’t Romantic

I’m A-Tractor-ed To You- Why You Shouldn’t Feel Bad if Your partner Isn’t Romantic

I think it is fair to say that farmers are not naturally seen as the most romantic of creatures. With St Valentine’s Day on the horizon, I see the pressure put on couples who might not be inherently at one with professing love in an overt manner. While historically, the day (a religious feast) was…

Sustainable farming practices- When is it more environmentally friendly to upgrade to a new machine?

Sustainable farming practices- When is it more environmentally friendly to upgrade to a new machine?

Agriculture has revolutionised and become the backbone of our society, becoming ever more important by providing food for the huge population growths around the world since the 1950’s. Unfortunately, despite how far agricultural technology and innovations have come in that time, there is an ever-increasing push to make farming more sustainable. According to World BankData…

Toddler Track Rage

Toddler Track Rage

Oh toddlers. A breed to themselves. Funny little creatures who have themselves at the centre of the universe. At two, G was a placid little thing and, when I had baby number 3, I did think to myself that maybe we had bypassed the terrible twos completely. Top marks for my own hopefulness. As the…