
Egg Maths

Egg Maths

From past posts, I imagine you are all au fait with the likes of chicken maths and then chick maths. This my friends is a totally different story all together. This is egg maths. It all stared with red mite which are pesky little critters who feast off the skin of hens. It ended up…

Ideas For Using Eggs

Ideas For Using Eggs

Spring time is lovely with the lighter nights and warmer days. If you keep chickens, you will know that these factors make for a very full egg basket. We sometimes get 14 a day and, with my menagerie of chicks growing fast, that number is set to multiply quite soon. What can you do with…

Coop Chaos at the Farm

Coop Chaos at the Farm

I’ve been meaning to write this post for ages but things got in the way. Over the summer, there were big changes in the chicken shed. We had an old coop which has been used for many things over the years including chickens. The chicks I had purchased were fully grown but then the battery…

Hatching Eggs 2018

Hatching Eggs 2018

I haven’t successfully hatched eggs since 2016. I did set the incubator up last year and put eggs in but it was in the farm workshop and it got accidentally knocked off the table. The eggs were ruined and my incubator broken and, with a new baby, I just couldn’t be bothered looking into it…